Wednesday, December 27, 2006


I wonder exactly who invented lollipops, and who decided to name it a "lollipop". I suppose it is a pretty good name....I mean, they could have named it "artificially flavoured corn-syrup on a white stick", or something like that. That would mean particularly bad advertising, once the world figured out what corn syrup was.
"Ma, can I go buy one of those artifically flavoured corn-syrup balls on a white stick? Wait, but they're not that unhealthy!"

I used to love sucking on those big lollipops, but then later on I decided that they tasted way too artificial, and I would rather have ice-cream for dessert, instead of a dyed blob of processed sugar.
Occasionally I will grab a small one from the candy jar at the bank, if my mom doesn't notice me. Lollipops kind of leave a funny taste in your mouth, and you're always prone to brushing your teeth immediately after devouring one, because they taste like they'll turn your teeth to cavity-filled ashes within a few seconds.

As long as we're talking about lollipops, I might as well mention a few other types of candies.
One of my favorite types of hard candies is Jolly Ranchers. Even though they taste awfully unhealthy (although there isn't a healthy candy that exists), they're still deliciously unbeatable. I really like the cherry and apple Jolly Ranchers.
I also love chocolate. I've developed a liking for dark chocolate, but I still like Kit-Kats and Snicker Bars, and especially Hershey's chocolate.

Hmm.....I guess this'll be it for this particular post on candy. I'm sure there'll be many more to come. Well....perhaps. Probably.


~adri said...

Why, oh why, is there zero comments EVERYWHERE??

~adri said... I have to resort to talking to myself. How brutal. How utterly embarassing.

Priya said...

I kind of like lollipops. I like the ones with chocolate in the middle, but I really love Blow-Pops, where there is bubble gum in the middle. At the bank, i always try and get the yellow lollipops.

Priya said...

See, now there is two more comments.