Tuesday, December 26, 2006

There ought to be a word in the dictionary that means: a person who is highly annoying and fussy. The world could sure make a whole lot of use of that word. My parents are arguing, or "debating" as they call it, right this second. It's completely annoying and wholesomely irritating. For some reason they think THEY can boss US around when WE'RE fighting, but we're not really allowed to tell them to stop. Aha, here they go again....
Sometimes I wish that my dad was the head of the family. He has much more sense in his head sometimes. My mom talks like she has to have her way, even if what she wants is completely insane. She also has this annoying way of laughing when she's mad, making her opponent angrier.
I have to admit it, my mom is a good arguer. It's sad. It's too bad me and Adora aren't head of the family, looming evilly above my mom and dad, haranguing them about cleaning up their rooms.
I hate that my mom is always complaining about me becoming a teenager soon. I mean, she's basically paranoid about it, buying banal parenting books from the book store. I wish she would actually read real stuff. All she reads is boring publicity books.
It's raining. I don't like it when it rains, because I feel restricted to do anything. It always feels quite gloomy and gray, and it's when my parents argue a lot, because they have nothing else to do.
My Dad is off work today, because of Christmas, but my mom doesn't want to do anything.
Well, I think this'll be all for this post.

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