Sunday, December 31, 2006

We are to go skiing, least, hopefully. That seemed to be the plan. I would like to go snowboarding, too, but when I mention this to my sister, she scrunches up her nose in a rather funny manner and thoughtfully says,
"Mmm....I don't really like snowboarding."
My sister is doing her homework right now. Thank goodness I got most of mine done already. I kind of like those homework worksheets that public schools hand out. They're always so nice and official and neat looking. It makes you want to do your homework.

A week ago, my mom told me that if I cleaned up my room every single day for a week or two, then she would consider (a sneaky weasel word, in terms of parenting), getting me a guinea pig. I really want a kitten, but she says that I'd have to move out to get that. The only pet I ever got was a puny little fish, for my seventh birthday. I was really, really excited about getting a fish, but they're not very fun. You can't play with them. I figure I was just excited about it being there.
Guinea pigs, though, you can play with. I'd design a little maze for my guinea pig. And I'd have a huge cage for it, so big it wouldn't be able to tell it was a cage.
Unfortunately, it's already been a week, and my mom hasn't even considered getting me a guinea pig. It's really not fair that both my mom and dad had family pets when they were little, and then they didn't let us have anything.

Wednesday, December 27, 2006

I got some late Christmas presents today. We also got a whole pileful of Christmas cards. My absolute FAVORITE card from the pile was from my great-grandmother. My great-grandmother seems sort of interesting. She sent me a whole handful of cards that people had written to her. It was kind of funny. Most of the cards were written in Czech and from the Czech republic. I'm trying to learn Czech, but I sadly, I haven't been very devoted to it, lately. She also sent me this really pretty handkerchief (I didn't know that the word "handkerchief" was spelled like that until today), that was from somebody else to her.
She wrote me a neat letter, too....except it was in neat but sloppy cursive. See, I'm not great at reading cursive.
My grandma Hump, as me and my sister nicknamed her when we were quite young, because of the two "warts" on her nose, sent me a box-full of beautiful marbles. I asked her for marbles, for Christmas, and when I did, I didn't think about the price of shipping. She got them off of the internet. It must have been an stinkin' lot of money for just a small box of marbles!
Anyways, I'm off to watch "Dirty Jobs" with my sister and my Dad.


I wonder exactly who invented lollipops, and who decided to name it a "lollipop". I suppose it is a pretty good name....I mean, they could have named it "artificially flavoured corn-syrup on a white stick", or something like that. That would mean particularly bad advertising, once the world figured out what corn syrup was.
"Ma, can I go buy one of those artifically flavoured corn-syrup balls on a white stick? Wait, but they're not that unhealthy!"

I used to love sucking on those big lollipops, but then later on I decided that they tasted way too artificial, and I would rather have ice-cream for dessert, instead of a dyed blob of processed sugar.
Occasionally I will grab a small one from the candy jar at the bank, if my mom doesn't notice me. Lollipops kind of leave a funny taste in your mouth, and you're always prone to brushing your teeth immediately after devouring one, because they taste like they'll turn your teeth to cavity-filled ashes within a few seconds.

As long as we're talking about lollipops, I might as well mention a few other types of candies.
One of my favorite types of hard candies is Jolly Ranchers. Even though they taste awfully unhealthy (although there isn't a healthy candy that exists), they're still deliciously unbeatable. I really like the cherry and apple Jolly Ranchers.
I also love chocolate. I've developed a liking for dark chocolate, but I still like Kit-Kats and Snicker Bars, and especially Hershey's chocolate.

Hmm.....I guess this'll be it for this particular post on candy. I'm sure there'll be many more to come. Well....perhaps. Probably.

Tuesday, December 26, 2006

A formal report on Guinea pigs

Guinea Pigs are regarded as low maintenance pets, and are pretty easy to handle. Responsible children as young as nine should be able to handle a guinea pig on their own. Guinea pigs come from the rodent family, and were introduced as pets by the Spaniards. The scientific word for Guinea Pig is "Cavie". Cavies cannot produce their own Vitamin C, so will have to be fed a quarter of a regular 100 milligram Vitamin C each day. They also need about a cup of vegetables each day, but not broccoli, as it will make guinea pigs fart a lot.
Guinea Pigs require a cage (preferably large, and not wire mesh, as wire mesh reportedly can cause foot infections), a watterbottle, and food.

Guinea Pigs are probably the best starter pet, and from the rodent family. They are gentle and playful, and very vocal. They are also very, very plump and very, very loveable.
There ought to be a word in the dictionary that means: a person who is highly annoying and fussy. The world could sure make a whole lot of use of that word. My parents are arguing, or "debating" as they call it, right this second. It's completely annoying and wholesomely irritating. For some reason they think THEY can boss US around when WE'RE fighting, but we're not really allowed to tell them to stop. Aha, here they go again....
Sometimes I wish that my dad was the head of the family. He has much more sense in his head sometimes. My mom talks like she has to have her way, even if what she wants is completely insane. She also has this annoying way of laughing when she's mad, making her opponent angrier.
I have to admit it, my mom is a good arguer. It's sad. It's too bad me and Adora aren't head of the family, looming evilly above my mom and dad, haranguing them about cleaning up their rooms.
I hate that my mom is always complaining about me becoming a teenager soon. I mean, she's basically paranoid about it, buying banal parenting books from the book store. I wish she would actually read real stuff. All she reads is boring publicity books.
It's raining. I don't like it when it rains, because I feel restricted to do anything. It always feels quite gloomy and gray, and it's when my parents argue a lot, because they have nothing else to do.
My Dad is off work today, because of Christmas, but my mom doesn't want to do anything.
Well, I think this'll be all for this post.